Training Programs
Every worthwhile goal needed a plan, Simple easy to follow and laid out agendas take the guess work out of the path you need to follow. You can have all the ideas in the world and envision the highest version of yourself but without the first step being taken it still remains a dream. The best training programs allow the large unthinkable goals to be broken down into the manageable steps needed to to set yourself up for that success. So once you have made that clear choice within yourself of what performance looks like to you then we can help with the specific steps needed to assist and guide you to get closer each day without feeling overwhelemed by review what current efforts you have made and identifying possible blocks that have stopped you before and aligning your training programs into specific personally tailored phases that allow yourself to put the building blocks in place and reach your goals. This periodisation worked into your training enables you to build weaknesses into strengths while also minimising burnout and keeping you motivated along the way. Good coaching should assist you in keeping that fire lit inside while showing progressive small wins that cultivate in great performance. In terms of great performance this is known as peaking for the event and is crucial to perform at your best when it most counts. Get in contact today to discuss how we can be there to keep you motivated and tailor training programs around your needs and timeline to achieve that goal and best performance you have been dreaming of.

Video Review
Todays sports are more professional than ever, gone are the days of pens and pads with talks in the locker room at half time. High performance today requires studying hours of video footage to be analyse the fine details of your technique and develop strategy to move forward in the best way possible. Modern devices and software enable everyone from the recreational enthusiast all the way to the professional sporting organisation to have access to these performance enhancing tools. This further enables the relationship between coach and athlete to strengthen by slowing down and effectively helping sports teaching be transferred from coach to athlete either in real time at the event or remotely in circumstances when people are separated or traveling. Let us help your sports technique with advanced video review and assisting setup and use of this great tool available to everyone. It is hard demonstrate high performance but much easier to perform once you have seen it!
Strength and Conditioning
High performers have that x factor, the best skilled athletes have mental toughness and a will to win but at the end of the day, underneath all the other great traits we can possess, we still need an engine in our vehicle to give us that drive. Every single performer in the world has a well developed physical engine that they work on to back every other aspect of performance up. It is the silent quality that speaks louder than words, it is the respect that is earned behind closed doors and late nights in the gym, on the bike or pounding the pavement. Physical performance may take years of development just to give you that edge when you need it most and when you need it most the ones that have done the work shine while the ones that haven’t are exposed. Strength and conditioning is no longer the dark unknown science people once thought it was but based in real sports science with tweaks added to make it sport and movement specific towards your needs and goals. If you need a little more strength, a touch of speed or that deeper aerobic capacity all these qualities can be designed into a specific strength and conditioning program designed to give you a bigger engine and make you a better performer.